
1 Financial Practice

1 Creative Practice

What does the practice of generosity mean?

Generosity from a Biblical framework is rooted in the idea that life is a gift. The regular practice of generosity anchors this belief into the fabric of our lives by declaring that our resources and in fact our entire lives do not belong to us. As our friend Ken Janke likes to say, “Generosity is a sacrament, and like all sacraments it invites us to participate in passing along the Grace we have received.” Generosity keeps us tender and dependent, making us good soil for the fruit of the Spirit to grow in our lives. A huge facet of generosity pertains to money, but it goes far beyond that encompassing all of our resources.

Here are some creative areas to think about as you craft 2 practices of regular generosity:

  1. Practice generosity by extending mercy and forgiveness.

  2. Practice generosity with your money.

  3. Practice generosity with your words.

  4. Practice generosity with your time.

  5. Practice generosity with your attention.

  6. Practice generosity with your influence.

Other Resources to Explore: