
3 Times a Day

Seasonal 24-7 Prayer


What is the Daily Prayer Rhythm?

Historically Judaism and Christianity have often practiced shared communal prayer rhythms each day. The most common times to pause and pray have been in the morning, midday, and evening. With our high value on practices and habits in our approach to change, growth, and transformation we have decided to join up with our 24-7 Prayer movement in restoring this ancient rhythm in our church’s Rule of Life. This is an invitational practice and we want you to feel full freedom to adapt and change it for your season and stage of life. And we also think it would be wise to lock arms with the whole community and commit to this practice for an extended season to build the habit! Here is the shared invite for Coram Deo and 24-7 Prayer as a movement:

Morning: Each morning we want to begin the day with the Lord's Prayer. When we pray The Lord’s Prayer, we are submitting to the leadership of Jesus, allowing his prayers to guide our prayers.

Midday: Each midday we want to create time to pray for the lost. Ask the Spirit to bring to mind people who are far from God, and ask God to restore them to his fold, bringing them salvation.

Evening: Each evening we want to end our day in gratitude to God. As you review your day, from morning to evening, give thanks to God for anything and everything for which you are grateful.

We would encourage you to set an alarm to remind you of each of these prayer times. Here are some other tools that may support you in this practice of prayer!